Rooms Request

Rooms Request

What are the steps to request a room on .Octannia.?

Making a request to have a channel on .Octannia. is easy! On our Retro ChatSpace Server, we make it easy, fun, and easy to navigate. Check out our tab for “Room Requests” and make your submission! We want you to have the best chatting experience.

Is there a cost involved?

Not at this time, we do not require any type of costs to own a room on .Octannia.

Can we request a server bot our room?

Seven is our REGISTERED USER bot, that brings fun, and joy to each user. Anything from games, to jokes, Seven is the bot for this! You can request to have Seven in your room, but it will not be in there by default.

Does Staff manage the room?

Staff have absolutely nothing to do with your room. We register it, and we proceed on with whatever else needs to be done. What you do in your room with your users is up to you!

Can we set our own rules?

Yes! You can absolutely set your own rules, after all it is your room. Just make sure you’re in accordance to server policies and adhere to those policies. Other then that, enjoy!